Fusco Lab
Department of Physics
University of Cambridge

We are fascinated by how evolution shapes the interactions at the molecular and single-cell scale to give rise to collective behaviors at the population scale.
By using an interdisciplinary approach rooted in experimental microbiology, statistical physics and population genetics, we strive to uncover the fundamental principles behind these phenomena.

April 26th, 2024
After several years of work in collaboration with the Bakshi Lab, we are excited to announce our work on monitoring phage T7 in Mother Machine. Check out our pre-print.
January 15th, 2024
We welcome Jordan in our lab! He is going to work at the interface between phage and biofilms!
August 13th, 2023
Check out Nikhil's new pre-print on how motile cells use the liquid channels underneath the wrinkles in B. subtilis biofilms to teleport themselves at the expansion edge.
November 22nd, 2022
We are really excited for having been awarded an ERC Starting Grant! EvoPhage will start soon, so stay tuned for new openings in our lab to study phage-bacteria ecology and evolution.
May 2022: Celebrating Shash's and Peter's part III project completion. From left to right: Nikhil, Alberto, Shash, Peter, Michael, Temur, Diana, Charlie.