Fusco Lab
Department of Physics
University of Cambridge
Density-dependent dispersal triggers pushed waves in phage spatial range expansions

The presence of host cells poses hindrance to phage diffusion both because they represent a physical obstacle and because phage cannot diffuse while infecting the host. This density-dependent diffusion couples with the host-virus dynamic during spatial expansions, giving rise to viral travelling waves that display similar features to cooperative populations.
We are currently exploring the consequences of this discovery on the genetic diversity and the adaptation in viral spatial expansions.
People: Michael Hunter, Nikhil Krishnan
In collaboration with: Wolfram Möbius (U. Exeter) and Kirill Korolev (Boston U.)
Flexible phage gene-editing to track viral genetic diversity in structured host environments
In contrast to bacteria, phage gene-editing is a cumbersome procedure as it is challenging to select for successfully recombined viral particles. We have developed a flexible and modular tool that capitilizes on CRISPR to insert any genetic sequence on any target genomic location in phage T7.
As a first application, we are using this amazing tool to track viral diversity and lineage segregation in phage populations expanding over structured bacterial environments.
People: Racha Majed, Nikhil Krishnan

The role of coinfection in viral evolution

In nature, many viruses are found to have evolved sophisticated mechanisms to prevent other viruses to infect the same cell (super-infection or coinfection). Why going through so much trouble?
We are developing a theoretical framework to understand the pros and cons of such strategies as a function of the bacterial environment the virus experiences.
People: Michael Hunter