Fusco Lab
Department of Physics
University of Cambridge
In preparation/under review
Wedd C., Yunusov T., Smith A., Li R., Hardo G., Hunter M., Majed R., Fusco D.*, Bakshi S.* Single-cell imaging of the lytic phage life cycle dissects the timing and noise in individual infection steps
BioRxiv: doi.org/10.1101/2024.04.11.588870
Krishnan N.P., Kight J., Mookherjee A., Ruiz Pestana L., Fusco D. Liquid channels within B. subtilis biofilms allow the escape of trapped clones and population rescue
BioRxiv: doi.org/10.1101/2023.07.20.549970
Krishnan N.P., Fusco D., Scott J.G., Range expansion shifts clonal interference patterns in evolving populations
BioRxiv: doi.org/10.1101/794867
Schreck C.*, Fusco D.*, Karita Y.*, Martis S., Kayser J., Duvernoy M-C., Hallatschek O., Impact of crowding on the diversity of expanding populations
PNAS, 120 (11):e2208361120 (2023)
Eghdami A., Paulose J., Fusco D., Branching structure of genealogies in spatially growing populations and its consequences on population genetics inference
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 34:294008 (2022)
Hunter M., Fusco D., Superinfection exclusion: a viral strategy with short-term benefits and long-term drawbacks
PLoS Computational Biology, 18(5):e1010125 (2022)
Hunter M., Krishnan N.P., Liu T., Möbius W, Fusco D., Virus-host interactions shape viral dispersal giving rise to distinct classes of travelling waves in spatial expansions
Physical Review X, 11:021066 (2021)
Featured in Physics
Kayser J.*, Schreck C.*, Gralka M., Fusco D., Hallatschek O. Collective motion conceals fitness differences in crowded cellular populations
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 3:125-134 (2019)
Altan I., Fusco D., Afonine P., Charbonneau P., Learning about bimolecular solvation from water in protein crystals.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 122(9):2475 (2018)
Gralka M., Fusco D., Martis S., Hallatschek O. Convection shapes the tradeoff between antibiotic efficacy and the selection for resistance in spatial gradients.
Physical Biology, 14(4):045001 (2017)
Fusco D., Gralka M., Kayser J., Anderson A., Hallatschek O. Excess of mutational jackpot events in expanding populations revealed by spatial Luria-Delbrück experiments.
Nature Communications, 7:12760 (2016)
Gralka M., Fusco D., Hallatschek O. Watching populations melt down
Biophysical Journal, 111(2):271-272 (2016)
Fusco D., Charbonneau P. Soft matter perspectives on protein crystallization.
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 137: 22-31 (2016)
Fusco D., Charbonneau P. Competition between monomeric and dimeric crystals in schematic models for globular proteins.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 118(28):8034-8041 (2014)
Fusco D., Barnum T.J., Bruno A.E., Luft J.R., Snell E.H., Mukherjee S., Charbonneau P. Statistical analysis of crystallization database links protein physico-chemical features with crystallization mechanisms
PLoS One, 9(7):e101123 (2014)
Fusco D., Headd J.J., De Simone A., Wang J., Charbonneau P. Characterizing protein crystal contacts and their role in crystallization: rubredoxin as a case study
Soft Matter, 10:290-302 (2014)
Fusco D., Charbonneau P. Crystallization of asymmetric patchy models for globular proteins in solution
Physical Review E, 88:012721 (2013)
Fusco D., Uyenoyama M.K. Sex-specific incompatibility generates locus-specific rates of introgression
Genetics, 189(1):267-288 (2011)
Fusco D., Uyenoyama M.K. Effects of polymorphism for locally-adapted genes on rates of neutral introgression in structured populations
Theoretical Population Biology, 80(2):121-131 (2011)
Grassi L., Fusco D., Sellerio A.L., Cora’ D., Bassetti B., Caselle M., Cosentino Lagomarsino M. Identity and divergence of protein domain architectures after the yeast whole genome duplication event.
Molecular Biosystems, 6(11):2305-15 (2010)
Fusco D., Grassi L., Bassetti B., Caselle M., Cosentino Lagomarsino M. Ordered structure of the transcription network inherited from the yeast whole-genome duplication.
BMC Syst. Biol., 4:77 (2010)
Fusco D., Bassetti B., Jona P., Cosentino Lagomarsino M. DIA-MCIS. An Importance Sampling Network Randomizer for Network Motif Discovery and Other Topological Observables in Transcription Networks.
Bioinformatics, 23(24): 3388-90 (2007)